Wednesday, June 23, 2010

art journaling on the road

On my birthday, my hubby and I packed up the mini van & the girls, a bunch of DVD's and started an unexpected road trip to Portland, OR. He was asked to go back to a job in Vancouver, B.C., and so he asked if I wanted him to drop off me and the girls with my family in Oregon before he headed up there! If he was going to get to the job in time, I had an hour to pack, take the fish to Deedee's house, and off we went. I brought some of my art supplies with me in the car, and the girls colored their own pictures in the back seat. Here's a picture of me art journaling on the road. This really has been the most relaxing road trip I've ever been on. The girls have been amazing, Adriaan and I have had lots of time to talk, and it's been refreshing and refueling. Now, the girls are playing with their cousins, and we've got about a week to hang out with family and friends. Whoohoo!!!
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